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10 self-care rituals to build into your routine right now

10 self-care rituals to build into your routine right now

Most of us spend our lives taking care of other people — our families, our partners, our work. It’s a steep path to burn out if we don’t carve out time for self care. We all know we need it, we all crave it, but it often feels like everyone and everything else takes priority.

Below, find ten of our favourite ways to get you that hour (or 2 or 3) of self-care you so desperately deserve.

And our number one tip to make sure it happens? Add a series of self-care dates to your calendar (yes, right now!) and don’t skip them — you wouldn’t jam out last-minute on a friend, would you? Time spent renewing your body and soul is the most important time of all. 💕


1. Fill your room with a scent you love

Whether you set the mood with a room diffuser filled with pure essential oils, some bold incense or the soft glow of a candle, having your space smell good is an essential first step for your routine.

Vitruvi move diffuser

Our picks:

2. Take a bath

One of our favourite ways to ensure a good night's sleep (so important!) is soaking in a hot bath full of therapeutic bath salts by candlelight. Don't forget to put on some relaxing music or an audiobook to really help put the day behind you. 

Hermit bath soak

Our picks:

3. Massage your face

Massaging your muscles is a great stress-reliever, but how often have you taken the time to massage those on your face? Our face massage routine includes a few drops of serum and the Noto Bian stone tool to work in the oil, followed by reusable eye masks. (Tip: Store the eye patches in the fridge for extra depuffing power!)

Noto eye mask

Our picks:

4. Pamper your locks

Speaking of massages, a good head massage is one of life's pleasures. Don't reserve it only for salon visits — if it's your hair wash day, build in an extra 5 or 10 minutes to massage in shampoo and then another extra 5 minutes to let the conditioner really absorb while you take care of other things. Finish with a good quality detangling brush to produce a crown that makes you feel like a royal.

Beauty from Bees haircare

Our picks:

5. Hydrate your skin

Drinking lots of water, avoiding sugar and using hydrating skincare to prevent dry and flaky skin are top priorities when it comes to self-care. Remember that what you put on your skin goes IN your body, so look for organic, wildcrafted and natural ingredients whenever possible to take care of yourself (and the planet).

We Say Oui

Our picks:

6. Home manicure

Regardless of gender and whether you wear colour or not, clean and healthy nails are a small but integral way to show yourself some love. 😍 

Nail oil

Our picks:

7. Self love

Showing yourself some love also includes maintaining a healthy and safe sex life, whether solo and/or with partner/s. 

maude vibe

Our picks:

8. Take care of your gut

Your gut is your gateway to good health. Prebiotics and vinegar are known digestion helpers and a daily dose is a great way to keep yourself on track.

Blume Superbelly

Our picks:

9. Feet first

When your feet suffer, you suffer. If they've been taking a beating lately (high heels? marathon training?), provide them with some TLC. Wrap them in cozy socks and ultra-comfy footwear for the hug your feet are craving.

Kush latte slippers

Our picks:

10. Practice gratitude

Last but certainly not least, an attitude of gratitude is paramount to your self-care routine. We all know that bitterness, anger and resentment get you exactly nowhere you want to be, so keep the wolves at bay by finding time to acknowledge moments of joy and grace throughout your day.

Five Minute Journal

Our picks:


What are your favourite self-care rituals? Did we miss any? Head to our Instagram post and leave us your tip! 😘


Header photo: Skwálwen Botanicals KÁLKAY Wild Rose Refreshing Toner